Coco press, reviews and adventures in video...
- Small Business War Stories Podcast Interview
- Austin Chronicle: Coco Coquette Celebrates Transwomen with Makeup Workshop
- Voyage Dallas: Meet Allyson Garro of Coco Coquette
- Wigging Out at Coco Coquette
- Best of Austin 2012 | Best Periodic Glam-splosion: The Shows of Coco Coquette
- "Best Wigs" 2nd year in a row in Austin Monthly's Beauty Poll
- How to Smell Good in Austin, Texas
- Austin Chronicle: After a Fashion
- Best of Austin 2011 | Best Wig-Out: Coco Coquette
- Austin360: Dreaming in Color
- Austin Chronicle: After a Fashion
- "Best Wigs" Award in Austin Monthly's Beauty Issue